Asbestos In The Workplace – Blog

18th March 2019 | Hawkeye Web

Asbestos related diseases kill more people than any other work-related illness, the largest groups at risk being those operating in the building and maintenance trades…

We cannot under emphasise the importance of asbestos management in the workplace, this blog asks the question, what is the best solution available today to help manage this deadly material? Hospitals, Schools, Universities, Banks, even Farms…think of any building and the chances are it could contain asbestos. The asbestos ban only came into full force in the UK in 1999 and we are still dealing with the consequences today. If Asbestos isn’t correctly managed you are putting yourself and other people’s health at risk.

Beginnings:  Asbestos Software

Since the first reported death due to exposure of Asbestos in 1924, a lot has happened to tackle this deadly issue. Though Asbestos continues to be a prevalent problem, what is the most effective and safest way of managing  asbestos containing materials (or ACM’s) today? The key thing is to have a management plan, this will dictate what processes you will have in place to manage the risk and prevent asbestos exposure. Those managing large sites such as hospitals, universities and large corporate portfolios will more than likely need an electronic way of managing what can be a register of thousands of ACMs.

Regular inspections are a must and evidencing the management process along with making it easy to disseminate the register information to those that need it most should be a primary objective. Regulations enforce a legal duty on employers and building owners to manage ACM’s. Making asbestos information easy to access and update is a challenge and it is important to ensure workers are trained appropriately to be aware of asbestos in the workplace. These things will reduce risk and help prevent deaths related to asbestos in years to come.

Micad’s asbestos management module is one the UK’s leading applications for helping clients actively management asbestos. It has a user-friendly interface, an app for onsite updating of records, and a full set of asbestos dashboards that help clients benchmark surveyors performance and prioritise tasks which are all vital features in bringing risk levels down and compliance levels up.

The Answer:

Take asbestos seriously, manage your ACM’s with the industry leading asbestos management tool. Save money on inspection costs and reduce work place health risks with Micad as we build a safer working environment for the future. Click here to read more or call 0161 9279573 to discuss your requirements with us.



















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