ZetaSafe’s Chairman Rob Nicoll speaks at SWWWSH
ZetaSafe’s Chairman Rob Nicoll was delighted to speak at the The South West and Wales Water Safety in Healthcare Forum – SWWWSH (Sponsored by Tandrup UK, T-Safe® Delivering Safe Water) in Bristol last week.
Rob Nicoll (pictured below) spoke about the ‘Advantages of digital record and compliance platforms in Healthcare’. If you were unable to make the event but are interested in the content please get in touch and we will share the content with you.
Aims of SWWWSH Forum (South West and Wales Water Safety in Healthcare)
The SWWWSH Forum is aimed at multi-disciplined professionals from Estates and Facilities, Health and Safety Teams, Infection Prevention and Control as well as Project Teams all of whom are collectively interested in improving their practice around water hygiene in healthcare facilities. The aim is to share knowledge and information to enhance the understanding and ability of members with the ultimate aim that every Trust/Board improves their water safety and reduce risk and infection within their organisation. We will be non-judgmental and have no political or commercial ambitions to promote.
Who’s it for?
Anyone involved in a healthcare water safety team or a water safety group or simply someone that has a vested interest in ensuring control measures don’t fail and will stand up to scrutiny. The forums intention is to ensure best practice can be shared on the day and attendees can improve outcomes for their individual trust/board.
It is open to any healthcare direct employees (NHS or PFI) and invited speaker’s only, encouraging open debate, with an aim of improving practice through honest sharing of experience, success and failures alike.
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